jsPDF Web Generator
jsPDF is a library that lets you create PDFs on a client computer.
PDFs are constructed with a few elements:
- Strings of text
- Lines
- Polygons
- Images
You define the size, colour, and position of each these elements.
Process (with React syntax)
Add jsPDF to your pacakage.json, and
run npm install
. -
In a new JavaScript file, import jsPDF.
import { jsPDF, HTMLOptionImage } from "jspdf";
Import any JSON or image paths that you may need in the script.
Create a new jsPDF document. doc is a common name for a jsPDF document, but you can choose a different name for the constant. This creates a standard PDF document (letter size paper, portrait orientation, millimetre units) You can change these defaults by adding options inside the parenthesis.
const doc = new jsPDF();
Set your font.
Add text.
doc.setTextColor(200, 0, 0); // make text red, with rgb
doc.text(20, 16, "DRAFT"); // X=20 mm, Y=16 mm -
Add a horizontal line.
doc.line(20, 50, 200, 50); // [X1=20 mm, Y1=50 mm] , [X2=200 mm, Y2=50 mm] -
Add a rectangle.
doc.setFillColor(69, 69, 69);
doc.rect(20, 60, 200, 100, "F"); // [X1=20 mm, Y1=60 mm] , [X2=200 mm, Y2=100 mm] , filled -
Add an image.
var image = new Image();
image.src = "/public/images/icon.jpg";
doc.addImage(image, "JPEG", 135, 16, 1479 / 25, 375 / 25); // [X, Y] , [Xsize, Ysize]
// note that this image file is 1479 X 375 pixels -
Add a screenshot image.
var screenshotImageData = props.screenshotData; // props since this is in React
if (screenshotImageData != null) {
const screenshotProperties = doc.getImageProperties(screenshotImageData);
const screenshotWidth = 140;
const screenshotAspect = screenshotProperties.height / screenshotProperties.width;
doc.addImage(screenshotImageData, "JPEG", 40, 60, screenshotWidth, screenshotWidth * screenshotAspect);
}The screenshot data in this example was passed to jsPDF with a React props, screenshotImageData. The other JavaScript file that created the screenshot data included the library html2canvas.
import ButtonPdf from "/components/ButtonPdf"
import html2canvas from "html2canvas";
const [screenshotDataState, changeScreenshotDataState] = useState(null); // React State to hold the screenshot data
function Page() {
function UpdateScreenshotData() {
const input = document.getElementById("divToPrint");
html2canvas(input).then((canvas) => {
return (
<div id="divToPrint">
<p>We will take a screenshot of this div</p>
<div className="px-5" onMouseOver={() => UpdateScreenshotData()}>
} -
Save the PDF.
doc.save("generated PDF");
Expand, for the full jsPDF example file
//import GeneratePdfQuote from "/components/price-lead-quote/GeneratePdfQuote";
import { jsPDF, HTMLOptionImage } from "jspdf";
// JSON imports
import DataFile from "/public/json/Data.json";
// logo path for PDF
const ImagePath_Icon = "/public/images/icon.jpg";
function ButtonPpf(props) {
function GeneratePdf() {
// PDF setup - create PDF -----------------------------------------------------------
const doc = new jsPDF();
// PDF setup - font
// PDF setup - add icon image
var image = new Image();
image.src = ImagePath_Icon;
doc.addImage(image, "JPEG", 135, 16, 1479 / 25, 375 / 25);
// header - watermark
doc.setTextColor(200, 0, 0); // make text red
doc.text(20, 16, "DRAFT");
doc.setTextColor(0); // make text black
// header - title
doc.text(20, 48, "Title: ");
doc.text(40, 48, DataFile.labelPdf);
// horizontal line separating header and columns
doc.line(20, 50, 200, 50);
// horizontal line separating columns and body
doc.line(20, 54, 200, 54);
// dark grey rectangle background - component category
doc.setFillColor(69, 69, 69);
doc.rect(20, 54, 180, 5, "F");
// light grey rectangle background - quote ID
doc.setFillColor(206, 206, 206);
doc.rect(20, 59, 180, 41, "F");
doc.rect(20, 139, 180, 41, "F");
doc.rect(20, 219, 180, 41, "F");
// screenshot image of the configured robot
var screenshotImageData = props.screenshotData;
if (screenshotImageData != null) {
const screenshotProperties = doc.getImageProperties(screenshotImageData);
const screenshotWidth = 140;
const screenshotAspect = screenshotProperties.height / screenshotProperties.width;
doc.addImage(screenshotImageData, "JPEG", 40, 60, screenshotWidth, (screenshotWidth * screenshotAspect));
// save PDF
// React DOM
return (
<button onClick={GeneratePdf} className="hover:text-yellow-400">
Download PDF
export default ButtonPdf;