jsPDF Web Generator

2023-11-21 · 11 min read

jsPDF is a library that lets you create PDFs on a client computer.

PDFs are constructed with a few elements:

  1. Strings of text
  2. Lines
  3. Polygons
  4. Images

You define the size, colour, and position of each these elements.

Process (with React syntax)

  1. Add jsPDF to your pacakage.json, and run npm install.

  2. In a new JavaScript file, import jsPDF.

    import { jsPDF, HTMLOptionImage } from "jspdf";
  3. Import any JSON or image paths that you may need in the script.

  4. Create a new jsPDF document. doc is a common name for a jsPDF document, but you can choose a different name for the constant. This creates a standard PDF document (letter size paper, portrait orientation, millimetre units) You can change these defaults by adding options inside the parenthesis.

    const doc = new jsPDF();
  5. Set your font.

  6. Add text.

    doc.setTextColor(200, 0, 0); // make text red, with rgb
    doc.text(20, 16, "DRAFT"); // X=20 mm, Y=16 mm
  7. Add a horizontal line.

    doc.line(20, 50, 200, 50); // [X1=20 mm, Y1=50 mm] , [X2=200 mm, Y2=50 mm]
  8. Add a rectangle.

    doc.setFillColor(69, 69, 69);
    doc.rect(20, 60, 200, 100, "F"); // [X1=20 mm, Y1=60 mm] , [X2=200 mm, Y2=100 mm] , filled
  9. Add an image.

    var image = new Image();
    image.src = "/public/images/icon.jpg";
    doc.addImage(image, "JPEG", 135, 16, 1479 / 25, 375 / 25); // [X, Y] , [Xsize, Ysize]
    // note that this image file is 1479 X 375 pixels
  10. Add a screenshot image.

    var screenshotImageData = props.screenshotData; // props since this is in React
    if (screenshotImageData != null) {
    const screenshotProperties = doc.getImageProperties(screenshotImageData);
    const screenshotWidth = 140;
    const screenshotAspect = screenshotProperties.height / screenshotProperties.width;
    doc.addImage(screenshotImageData, "JPEG", 40, 60, screenshotWidth, screenshotWidth * screenshotAspect);

    The screenshot data in this example was passed to jsPDF with a React props, screenshotImageData. The other JavaScript file that created the screenshot data included the library html2canvas.

    import ButtonPdf from "/components/ButtonPdf"
    import html2canvas from "html2canvas";

    const [screenshotDataState, changeScreenshotDataState] = useState(null); // React State to hold the screenshot data

    function Page() {
    function UpdateScreenshotData() {
    const input = document.getElementById("divToPrint");
    html2canvas(input).then((canvas) => {

    return (
    <div id="divToPrint">
    <p>We will take a screenshot of this div</p>

    <div className="px-5" onMouseOver={() => UpdateScreenshotData()}>
  11. Save the PDF.

    doc.save("generated PDF");

Expand, for the full jsPDF example file
//import GeneratePdfQuote from "/components/price-lead-quote/GeneratePdfQuote";
import { jsPDF, HTMLOptionImage } from "jspdf";

// JSON imports
import DataFile from "/public/json/Data.json";

// logo path for PDF
const ImagePath_Icon = "/public/images/icon.jpg";

function ButtonPpf(props) {
function GeneratePdf() {
// PDF setup - create PDF -----------------------------------------------------------
const doc = new jsPDF();

// PDF setup - font

// PDF setup - add icon image
var image = new Image();
image.src = ImagePath_Icon;
doc.addImage(image, "JPEG", 135, 16, 1479 / 25, 375 / 25);

// header - watermark
doc.setTextColor(200, 0, 0); // make text red
doc.text(20, 16, "DRAFT");
doc.setTextColor(0); // make text black

// header - title
doc.text(20, 48, "Title: ");
doc.text(40, 48, DataFile.labelPdf);

// horizontal line separating header and columns
doc.line(20, 50, 200, 50);

// horizontal line separating columns and body
doc.line(20, 54, 200, 54);

// dark grey rectangle background - component category
doc.setFillColor(69, 69, 69);
doc.rect(20, 54, 180, 5, "F");

// light grey rectangle background - quote ID
doc.setFillColor(206, 206, 206);
doc.rect(20, 59, 180, 41, "F");
doc.rect(20, 139, 180, 41, "F");
doc.rect(20, 219, 180, 41, "F");

// screenshot image of the configured robot
var screenshotImageData = props.screenshotData;
if (screenshotImageData != null) {
const screenshotProperties = doc.getImageProperties(screenshotImageData);
const screenshotWidth = 140;
const screenshotAspect = screenshotProperties.height / screenshotProperties.width;
doc.addImage(screenshotImageData, "JPEG", 40, 60, screenshotWidth, (screenshotWidth * screenshotAspect));

// save PDF

// React DOM
return (
<button onClick={GeneratePdf} className="hover:text-yellow-400">
Download PDF

export default ButtonPdf;